
  • #TwoCentsOnTuesday – Keurigs for People May 28, 2019#TwoCentsOnTuesday - Keurigs for People

    Tank-less water heaters are like Keurigs for people.

    Brad Smithart (The Instant Expert)
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  • #TwoCentsOnTuesday – One Human Race May 21, 2019#TwoCentsOnTuesday - One Human Race

    Contrary to popular misconception, we are not naturally divided into genetically identifiable racial groups. Biologically, there is one human race. Race applied to human beings is a political division: it is a system of governing people that classifies them into a social hierarchy based on invented biological demarcations.

    Dorothy Roberts
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  • #TwoCentsOnTuesday – Common Sense May 14, 2019#TwoCentsOnTuesday - Common Sense

    That what is self-evident to one person can be seen as silly by another should give us pause about the reliability of common sense as a basis for understanding the world. How can we be confident that what we believe is right when someone else feels equally strongly that it’s wrong—especially when we can’t articulate why we think we’re right in the first place?

    Duncan J. Watts
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  • #TwoCentsOnTuesday – Decisions May 7, 2019#TwoCentsOnTuesday - Decisions

    We need to make our decisions based on “what is,” not on “what if.”

    Brad Smithart (The Instant Expert)
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  • #TwoCentsOnTuesday – Geniuses April 30, 2019#TwoCentsOnTuesday - Geniuses

    There are two kinds of geniuses, the “ordinary” and the “magicians.” An ordinary genius is a fellow that you and I would be just as good as, if we were only many times better. There is no mystery as to how his mind works. Once we understand what they have done, we feel certain that we, too, could have done it. It is different with the magicians.

    James Gleick
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  • #TwoCentsOnTuesday – Sugar to the Mind April 23, 2019#TwoCentsOnTuesday - Sugar to the Mind

    We are incredibly well informed, yet we know incredibly little. Why? Because two centuries ago, we invented a toxic form of knowledge called “news.” News is to the mind what sugar is to the body: appetizing, easy to digest—and highly destructive in the long run.

    Rolf Dobelli
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  • #TwoCentsOnTuesday – Convincing People April 16, 2019#TwoCentsOnTuesday - Convincing People

    Don’t try to convince people that they are wrong or that they hurt you with their scornful remarks. It is not worth the effort. Use this very same effort to ignore them. Every insult only has power over you if you give power to it by believing it, or raging against it.

    Zoe McKey
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  • #TwoCentsOnTuesday – Seeking Truth April 9, 2019#TwoCentsOnTuesday - Seeking Truth

    If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things.

    René Descartes
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  • #TwoCentsOnTuesday – Helping vs. Enabling April 2, 2019#TwoCentsOnTuesday - Helping vs. Enabling

    Helping is doing something for someone that he is not capable of doing himself. Enabling is doing for someone what he could and should be doing for himself.

    Allison Bottke
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  • #TwoCentsOnTuesday – Explanations March 26, 2019#TwoCentsOnTuesday - Explanations

    Even really smart people see a pattern and insist on putting an explanation to it, even when they don’t have enough information to reach such a conclusion. They can’t help it.

    Lee Baker

    This is the thing about being human. We seek explanation for the events that happen around us. If something defies logic, we try to find a reason why it might make sense. If something doesn’t add up, we make it up.

    Lee Baker

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