The Beauty and Grace of a Kind Smile (Meditation #41)

As for me, I shall behold your face in righteousness; when I awake I shall be satisfied, beholding your likeness. Psalm 17:15

The week began with anxiety and a feeling of aloneness, and as I entered the room where my colleagues were eating lunch, I saw no friends who were sitting at tables with space for me to join. In the far corner of the room, I spied an empty table and went to it, nodded to a couple of friends as I went. One of those friends was a brilliant musician and teacher named Eddie, and before I had settled, he had left his spot and took the chair next to me.

Before long, maybe three minutes, we were chatting about music and students and movies. Within five minutes, my anxiety and loneliness were almost gone.

Through the week of meetings and workshops and training that typify the week before classes, I had several conversations like this. On the surface, they likely looked and sounded like people “talking shop” or discussing shared interests which would interest no one but those talking. However, I want to see these moments and minutes and hours as sacramental: God showing Himself in the grace and communion of souls.

Someday we will see God face to face. For now, I can see him in the beauty of a kind smile, the music of laughter, and even the connection of sorrows.

Christ our savior and our ever-present friend, open our eyes and ears to your likeness everywhere. In your Holy Name, Amen.

Michael Neal Morris teaches English at Eastfield College and is the author of Based on Imaginary Events, Release, Music for Arguments, and other books. A book of prose poems (for now, dimly) is forthcoming from Faerie Treehouse Collective. His poems and stories have been published in both traditional print journals and online magazines. He lives with his wife, children, and two snarky cats outside the Dallas area.

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